Genes and Menopause: Is the age you start menopause genetic?

Are menopause symptoms hereditary? Here are the known links between genes and menopause. How your genetics can affect menopause and whether you’ll experience early menopause because your mum did.

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Which HRT treatment is best for me?

Dr Hannah Allen, a GP with a special interest in menopause, gives us the lowdown on the range of HRT treatments available and which ones might be best suited based on your circumstances.
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Post-menopausal bleeding: Why does it happen and what should you do?

Postmenopausal bleeding can be worrying, but it’s often manageable. We explore common causes, and explain when to seek medical advice.
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Tips for Surviving Ramadan during perimenopause and menopause

GP Dr Hannah Allen and Nutritionist Helen Roach give their tips on how to women experiencing peri and menopause can navigate their way through the month of Ramadan so they can fully enjoy it.
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Is it PMS, PMDD or Perimenopause

It is a rare woman who has never experienced some symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) and it is estimated that at least...
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Breast changes during perimenopause and menopause (and the reason you need to keep checking yours)

It’s completely normal and natural for your breasts to shift in size and shape and/or become more sensitive as your oestrogen levels...
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What is early menopause

Early menopause is defined as when you go through menopause earlier than is typical. It is something that can happen naturally or...
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Top 10 tips for a healthy gut during perimenopause and menopause

And why it is important during perimenopause and menopause… Research is emerging almost daily showing that having a healthy balance of gut...
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What is menopause?

The term menopause – derived from the Greek ‘men’ which means month or monthly and ‘pausis’ which means end or stop –...
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Signs HRT is Not Working: Can HRT make your symptoms worse?

For many women HRT is the answer they have been searching for when it comes to minimising, or stopping, their often soul-sapping perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms. 
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Does HRT help prevent dementia?

Alzheimer’s dementia is one of the greatest health fears for most of us – and a condition that disproportionately affects women. Now...
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What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause translates literally as ‘around the time of the menopause’. Put simply, it is the stage of life when you’re still having...
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Everything you need to know about menopause and contraception

If you think that going through the menopause means you don’t have to worry about contraception any longer, think again. Here Dr...
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Everything You Need to Know about Surgical Menopause - Side Effects, Symptoms, Management and Recovery Time

Surgical menopause, or a hysterectomy, can be a difficult decision to make and a challenging journey to undergo. Dr Victoria Hobbs answers...
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Blood tests for hormone levels in menopause

by Dr Kate Burns, ⊕ medically reviewed by Dr Rebecca Tomlinson on 10th October, 2022 For many women, working out whether or...
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What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Who is It Intended For?

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), and could it be for you? Our GP Shilpa McQuillan has created the really useful guide to demystify HRT.
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How to talk to your GP about menopause

by Dr Shilpa McQuillan, ⊕ medically reviewed by Dr Rebecca Tomlinson on 5th September, 2022 Not sure where to start when it comes to...
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Hot flushes in Menopause

GP Dr Shilpa McQuillan discusses hot flushes – what are they, why do they happen, and how can you reduce the impact...
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Menopause Headaches A GP’s overview

by Dr Shilpa McQuillan, ⊕ medically reviewed by Dr Rebecca Tomlinson on 5th September, 2022 GP Dr Shilpa McQuillan discusses headaches at menopause. Why do...
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How to cope with stress and anxiety during menopause: expert advice from a GP

by Dr Shilpa McQuillan, ⊕ medically reviewed by Dr Rebecca Tomlinson on 5th September, 2022 Some of the most challenging menopause symptoms are the ones...
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Menopause, perimenopause and post-menopause – A doctors overview

by Dr Shilpa McQuillan, ⊕ medically reviewed by Dr Rebecca Tomlinson on 5th September, 2022 From the time you start noticing changes and symptoms to...
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