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Easy stretches for aching joints

Here is a simple routine you can do every day to ease aching joints – a menopause symptom that is common but still surprises many of us!

These easy exercises really help with everyday stiffness and pain, and aid ease of movement.

“Motion is lotion, ladies!”. – Jane Dowling. 

Here are the best exercises for you to try during menopause.

Five must-knows about joint aches from Jane

    1. If you do have a recurring joint problem or ache that will not go away, please see your healthcare provider or a specialist such as a physiotherapist or osteopath. Some doctors can refer you onto a specialist.
    2. Remember that while some doctors might suggest that you treat the symptoms with pain killers, a specialist will look and treat the actual cause of the problem.
    3. I advise clients who have joint or muscle problems that don’t go away, to ask to see a specialist sooner rather than later – this can really help long term, and stops one problem leading to others.
    4. Please don’t be frightened “try before you buy!” if you seek treatment from a specialist. Ask them how long they have been treating patients and if they understand the menopausal body.

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Jane Dowling

Jane Dowling

Exercise Practitioner

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